Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Emergency Preparedness Fair at Home Depot on Highland Drive April 27, 2013.

I went to the emergency fair planning to only be there about 30 minutes.  Two hours later I left with armloads of literature.  I saw things there that I have never seen at ANY emergency show in Utah before.

There was a new type of fuel puck for emergency stoves (The little ones that fold up).

There was a new type of Solar Oven that I had never seen before.  This got me to thinking about solar ovens again.  I have a book that tells how to build several different designs of solar ovens, but lately I have been seeing some very clever ones using new designs.

Here is a link to a new solar oven web page that I discovered today - click HERE.

And here is a really useful packing crate that somebody has modified to create a really great solar oven - click HERE.  You may have to scroll down to see the pictures.

If you Google Solar Ovens you will find all sorts of info on building and using solar ovens.  A very easy way to cook food in an emergency when there is no electricity, no propane, no nothing.  And the sunlight is free!

To see pictures and prices of the most unique solar oven at the fair, cllick HERE.  They also have a short visual presentation of the oven showing how to set it up and how to cook food in it.  Fascinating.

Literature from the Emergency Prep Fair

100+ page book listing services for anyone over the age of 55.

Fascinating fire starter or wood substitute.

Various brochures and helpful tips from the Unified Police Department of Salt Lake.

Emergency tips and products.  Click HERE

The Red Cross also had a response to the "Triangle of Life" by Doug Copp.  Their position is that the building codes in use in the USA means that we will have very few "pancaking buildings" in an earthquake and that the methods taught by the Red Cross are better in this country.  You'll have to make your own determination.  I'm just glad to know of alternate ways to stay alive.

Be Ready Utah had an excellent handout about Employee Workplace Emergency Kits and also School Student's Book Backpack.  All good advice.  I'll try to get these two copied and onto the web site.

Finally, go to to download LOTS of brochures and forms including a family contact kit.

Woody gave training tonight on Greenwich Mean Time, also known as Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) which you can always get from radio station WWV and WWVH.    Utah is always UTC minus seven hours (now) or UTC minus six hours when the next time change comes along.

That's enought for today, more next time.


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