Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gun Violence, Digital Modes for Emcomm, etc

A lot is being said about gun control in the aftermath of the school shooting.  As you hear various talking heads propose "solutions", there is only one question to ask:  "If this new regulation/policy/law had been in affect as of December 1st, would it have totally prevented the school shooting?  If the answer is "no", then the follow-on question is:  "Then why are we doing this?".

There is only ONE way to prevent future such tragedies and here is a post that cuts right to the heart of the matter.  This post will also inform you of several other incidents that you never heard of because the Lame Stream Media refused to report them OR lied about them.

My sentiments exactly.
Digital modes for ham radio EmComm work is being discussed more and more.  Here are some links on digital modes that we have not discussed before.

Radio Operations Center Software

EmComm Operations Center Software

Simon Brown and SDR Radio

WB5RVZ Software Defined Radio Homepage

In 2011 Simon Brown (HB9DRV) sold the rights to Ham Radio Deluxe and began working on software for Software Defined Radios (SDR).  These are radios with no knobs, switches, buttons or displays.  Everything is controlled by an attached personal computer.  The links above will tell you more about SDR and give you an idea of what is available.

Basically, an SDR radio is very similar to a modern HF rig controlled by Simon's former product, Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD).  HRD is no longer Shareware, it is now a "for sale" product although there is a trial mode before you pay up.  The new HRD home page is here:

More info on Simon Brown selling the rights to Ham Radio Deluxe can be found here:


More and more Emergency Communications groups are practicing with Packet and HSMM-Mesh.  Most of the major ham radio manufacturers now make mobile 2Meter/70Cm rigs with built in TNCs.  All you need is a cable and a dumb terminal program to send and/or receive and/or be a digipeater in Packet mode.  You don't even have to leave your computer on or even attached to the radio to work in receive or DigiPeater modes.

A couple of our members are already experimenting with HSMM-Mesh or are in the process of acquiring the needed second hand hardware.  You can get some very inexpensive equipment on eBay for HSMM-Mesh.

Usually when I mention Harbor Freight, it is to recommend some bargain or other.  This week I am warning you against one of their products.  The current flyer features a car windshield defroster that plugs into your cigarette lighter socket (The one in my car is labeled "Not a Lighter Socket".  It is located just above the "Not An Ashtray" tray.).  I bought one of these window defrosters at Harbor Freight and then returned it.  They are on sale for $9.99, but you can get the same results for a LOT less money.  Here is how:  Just park your car with the front windshield facing the street and then go across the street and light a match.  Be sure you are at least 45 feet from the car when you light the match.  Amazing!  A lit match 45 feet away from your windshield will defrost your windshield just as fast and effectively as the $9.99 unit at Harbor Freight.  NOTE: If the wind blows your match out almost instantly, no problem, the match is still just as effective as the $9.99 Harbor Freight defroster.

Side Note:  I had an acquaintance in Alabama who cleared his windshield of snow and ice by pouring ALMOST boiling water on it.  Never did crack the windshield!  I haven't tried it yet, have any of you ever done this???  Did it work???

73s from N7OZH

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