Wednesday, January 18, 2012

CFL bulbs and Mercury in YOUR home.

Thanks to Scott, W7OXZ, for the following link. The state of Maine has done extensive testing on CFL bulbs and has published their findings for all to see. If nothing else, at least go to the referenced page and scroll down to read the Executive Summary. Is it "good" news that a broken CFL bulb can only raise the airborne mercury content in your home to just 3,333 times the safe level? Is it "good" news that the location on the floor where the bulb broke can take your in home mercury level to 1,500 times the safe level anytime anyone walks over it, even after a thorough clean up? Might be OK for you, not for me.

Here is the link for the story:

Utah VHF SWAP MEET - FEB 25 at the State FairPark - Show is from 8AM TO 11AM. Come early for the best deals, stay late for the drawings. Members of the Foothill Group and members of MARA have won prizes in prior drawings. Their web page is HERE.

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