Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Two VERY handy Computer Programs

I promised that this week I would share the two most amazing computer utilities with you that I have ever found.

The first is called BelArc. Just run it and prepare to be amazed. Here's just ONE thing it does. When you run it, you will get a list of all the software on your computer that has a registration code WITH THE CODES LISTED!

I'll bet you have lost the registration codes to 90% of your purchased and free software. BelArc will recover it for you in a blink! BelArc also does a few dozen other amazing things. This will become one of your most valuable utilities! Here is the link. or, just click HERE.

Next is a neat little program called Everest. I take this one with me everywhere on a flash drive. Want to know what is in your computer? Just run Everest. to test CPU speed, see how much memory you have and how it is being used. Get a listing of physical and logical hard drives, etc. An amazing utility which you can download at this link: Or just click HERE.

Now, best of all, you are going to want to bookmark that web site, MajorGeeks. It is loaded with 2 or 3 or 20 gazillion computer utilities. Most are freeware, some are shareware, all are virus checked. I have CDs FULL of programs I have downloaded from MajorGeeks. One of my favorites is a utility called "Ultimate Boot CD". Got a computer that won't boot? Just boot from the Ultimate Boot CD and recover your files from the hard drives. Looking for boot floppy images? They are in there! Trying to boot any flavor of DOS, Windows or Linux? Ultimate Boot CD can do the job!

Just browse around MajorGeeks and see what all they have. You will be like a kid in a candy store. Can't find a single thing on there that you can use? Then you will get a write up in Ripley's Believe It Or Not as the only human being on the planet who couldn't find a "Gotta Have It" utility or 50 or so on there. Enjoy!

Next week - More goodies.



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