In this issue:
70 cm band up for sale?
EMP protection for Ham Radio Equipment
Scouting For Food needs Ham Operators on March 26th
Sending brief text messages with your cell phone.
Two excelling HF nets in Salt Lake City.
Home Land Security and Utah CERT compiling a list of ALL local nets.
A few years ago we lost half the 220 Mhz band to UPS. Now Congress wants to auction off most of the 70 cm (440 Mhz) band along with other non-ham frequencies. Here is some information.
ARRL has recently learned of newly introduced legislation in the United States House of Representatives that poses a direct threat to our popular 70-centimeter band. H.R. 607, the "Broadband for First Responders Act of 2011" introduced by Rep. Peter King from New York's third district proposes to place 420-440 MHz, among other RF spectrum, up for auction. The proposed section of frequencies goes above the top of our 70cm band and also takes out the FRS and GMRS frequencies. All of these frequencies are crucial to ham radio and neighborhood emergency communications.
420-440 MHz represents over 65% of the present 70-centimeter ham band. This portion of the band is home to the following ham operations:
Amateur television (ATV) simplex and repeater communications,
moon bounce (EME), weak signal operations (SSB/CW), propagation beacons, amateur satellite communications, auxiliary operations, FM repeater
linking, and more.
For full disclosure there is other similar legislation that exists in
the House and in the Senate, however none of these versions include
references to 420-440 MHz. Regardless, H.R. 607 does and it's real.
So what is the path forward? Please read more about this bill at
Again, the sky is not falling but we shouldn't sit on the sidelines
either. Stay tuned for more information.
ARRL Rocky Mountain Division
Director: Brian P Mileshosky, N5ZGT
EMP can destroy some electronic and some electrical equipment. More information can be found by searching Google for the phrase Protecting Ham Radio Gear From EMP. NOTE: Even solar panels and generators are not immune. Here are some of the more informative links I found with this search.
Ham Radio Protection from EMP.
Solar Panel EMP Protection
Self Defence, Shooting supplies, survival Info
EMP Protection
Microwaves and EMP cages
Contact Gene N7OVT at N7OVT@ARRL.NET OR 801-541-1781 or listen on 146.88 the day of the event.
Sending brief text messages with your cell phone.
1. Phone to email account
Just enter the email address as the TO: entry instead of a mobile phone number.
2. Email account (from computer) to cell phone. (Have to know recipient's carrier)
See QRZ.COM for an article on sending short emails with cell phones or sending emails to cell phones using your computer.
Two excellent HF nets in Salt Lake City.
COWBOY NET 3923.50 5:30 PM
Home Land Security and Utah CERT compiling a list of ALL local nets.
If you participate in a local community net, church net, emergency preparedness net or other local net, please send info on the day of the week, time of day, frequency, and whether the net is on Simplex or a Repeater. This info will be forwarded to Home Land Security and Utah CERT so that your net can be called on to officially help out in an emergency.
Send the info in an email to
That's it for this week. 73's until next week.
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