Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Herriman and FEMA Emergency Information

The Herriman radio club has published a great manual for those who plan to participate in emergency preparedness. Here is the link:


FEMA publishes several FREE online courses. Here are four that will make you a MUCH better emergency communicator, especially if you have to interfaced with the State, County or City governments. Also pertinent for dealing with Federal Agencies.

IS-100.b - Introduction to Incident Command System, ICS-100

IS-200.b - ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents

IS-700.a NIMS An Introduction (National Incident Management System)

IS-800.B National Response Framework, An Introduction

There is about 3 hours of course work in each. You can proceed at your own pace.

There is a web site that lists all the community events that need hams to handle communication. Here is the link:

Amateur Radio Public Service Events

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