Ham radio has always been called on to help when there is a weather problem. The current situation is no exception. To read what has been going on in the affected areas and learn how ham radio helps out, check out the following link:
Hams and Mid West Flooding
For information on the ARRL's involvement with emergency services, including Homeland Security, check the following link:
ARRL Ham Radio and Emergency Services
For some great emergency radio information check this link:
When the weather threatens your radio equipment you need insurance. The ARRL has put together an insurance plan that costs less than any others. Your homeowner insurance and car insurance do NOT cover your ham radio equipment unless it is listed in a "rider" to your policy and extra fees are paid. For the best Ham Radio insurance (and the ONLY one recommended by the ARRL), check the following link:
ARRL Ham Radio Insurance
We have heard stories of folks who were in the flooding areas who could not get to their emergency generators because there was no electricity to open the garage door. Could you get to your emergency supplies if there were no AC power?
Do you have a bicycle or small motorized cycle? That may be the only reliable way to get around during a major disaster. Emergency services can block roads and prevent cars from getting into entire areas in an emergency. It has been done before right here in Utah (Bountiful).
More next week.
73 for now.
O. D. Williams
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