Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Just How "Radio Active" are you?

We just finished the Foothill net on 146.510 and in the post net round table we were discussing how to get our numbers up. Part of that discussion turned to a question about how many nets our members listen to or participate in.

Some only do the Foothill net. I fear that they will not be adequately trained ina real disaster. We decided that next week we will as people to tell us, when they check in, how many nets they listen to or check into.

Here in Salt Lake we have lots of ham radio nets. Here are a few of the ones that do a weekly net and offer training or ham radio information as a part of their net.

Every Tuesday
8:00 PM - Utah VHF Society 147.120 (100Hz Tone) On Air Swap Meet.
9:00 PM - Foothill Simplex net. 145.610 (Foothill area emergency net)
9:00 PM - ERC 145.450 (LDS Church communications net)

Every Wednesday
8:00 PM - ARES 146.88 (100Hz Tone) - Emergency training except third Thursday of each month when they have an in-person meeting.
9:00 PM - MARA 146.74 (114Hz Tone) - Emergency and disaster training

Every Sunday
9:00 PM - UARC - 146.620 - Radio HamLine, Propogation reports, round table after the net where extra and general class hams will answer ANY ham radio question.

There are others. For a more complete listing, check the UARC web page or the Utah VHF Society web page. They are listed here.
UARC - http://www.xmission.com/~uarc/
UTVHF http://www.utahvhfs.org

-73 until next time -

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