Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Using Government Agency Web Sites for Emergency Planning

Field Day 2014
Field Day is the 4th weekend in June.  We may have a station up and running for this field day as we are in the process of combining the efforts of several ham radio groups around the valley.  More details to follow.
Expect the Unexpected

(This is from
A few days ago, as I rode the train to work, a young woman collapsed right in front of me. Several riders and I quickly moved to her aid, as she sat on the train floor disoriented and unresponsive. Fortunately, she regained awareness after a minute, got up, and refused medical help that had arrived, and everyone continued on their way.

In all my years of riding the subway, I have been on plenty of trains with sudden emergencies, but this was the first time ever that I was not a distant spectator. Portions of my long-dormant response training kicked in, but in truth, I myself would have needed assistance in helping her. It proves you just never know when something might strike.

In his disaster-planning article, writer Mike Keating shows how businesses can be prepared for the improbable (never say impossible). Mike, actually, has written nine other articles covering just about every aspect of ensuring that lives are safe and the business can continue even when things are thrown out of whack. He has put together an informative series, and if it keeps you up thinking one night, it would have done its job. You can never be too sure in planning for any abnormal contingency and having a fallback position to land on.
William Ng, Editor-in-Chief,


Sell your old ham gear on eBay for some quick cash.
  A radio just like the one I am talking on sold for just $100 less than I paid for this one.
  Old gear sells just as well as new gear.
  Defective gear can be sold for parts.  (be sure to mention that in the listing)
  Cables, tuners, telegraph keys, capacitors, etc.  - it all sells well on eBay.
  Even old Ham Radio books and magazines will sometime sell on eBay.
  Really Old ham radio books and mags are collectors items and command a premium.
  Old test gear can also be moved on Ebay, but you sometimes have to be patient.
   Put together a CD of ham radio programs (freeware and shareware)

If you are studying for the Tech Test, there will be a NEW Question Pool on July 1st.  You will need to take the test before July 1 if you are studying from the current manual.
Batteries leaking in flashlights and other  items.  I now leave the batteries for devices that are seldom used in clear sandwich
  baggies so I can watch for problems.  If I need the item powered up, the correct type and quantity of  batteries are right there.

Government Resources Can Bolster Disaster Planning Efforts
LED Light Bulbs - Did You Know???

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