Wednesday, March 05, 2014

MARA Blog 03-05-2014


N7OVT - Scouting for food.  March 22nd. 801-541-1871 or  You can also sign  up on ARPSE.ORG.

A reminder - even though some ham radios can be modified to work on the police bands (Xmit and Recv), doing so can result in a conviction for malicious interference with official police business.  Don't even consider it.

Tomorrow night at 9PM on 147.50 simplex you can check into Salt Lake City's newest on-the-air ham radio club.  Contact KJ7ABC for more details. 

Harbor Freight Parking Lot Sale this weekend.  Check prices carefully.  You will sometimes find items at three different prices.  1-Tent Price  2-Regular Price  3-In Store Markdown Price.

Antennas - do you have an emergency antenna that you can connect to your HT or your mobile dual band VHF/UHF radio and take it anywhere and set it up in minutes?  Rubber ducks are not going to do the job if the repeaters are down.  I've had a dual band antenna, mast and tripod at the ready for the last 35 years.  Never been used.  But I take comfort in knowing that it is there and ready.

Antenna Experiments - have you researched home made antennas on the internet?  You can build antennas out of slinkies, wire, coat hangers, chain link fences, etc.  Experimenting and knowing what you can do in a pinch can be a big plus in a disaster.


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