Wednesday, January 15, 2014

MARA 01/15/2014 - Wouxon Radio Problems - Prepper Blog - Scouting For Food - VHF Society Swap Meet.

Scouting For Food - March 22 - need 20 to 30 Operators - 
More info on ARPSE.ORG

US drops out of the list of the 10 most economically free countries.  This means more crime, fewer jobs, fewer small businesses.  Details are located here:

Preparedness Blog with GREAT info.  Go here:

For a fascinating discussion on generators versus solar power, go to this page.

In the comment section are some GREAT comments on Solar Power versus Generators.  Each has its place, but both have problems with providing power over long periods of time.

Wouxon Radio Problems

The following was sent in by Scott, W7OXZ.

The quote  below is from the Yahoo Wouxun Group

Members of the group have commented that on contacting the factory a return email suggests resetting the radio.  When this did not work subsequent emails went unanswered.  (sounds like great customer support)  Looks like these truly are disposable radios.


It has been reported that ALL Wouxun HTs have an issue with their NVRAM chips. Many units have failed to hold their settings, due to a poor quality chip. If your radio loses its settings, defaults to Chinese language, etc. It is this bug.

All radios have this chip, and are susceptible to eventually
developing this issue.

As our radios age, they will become more likely to develop this bug.

Hopefully other Chinese radios do not have this same brand of chip, otherwise they could become truly disposable, as the naysayers comment.

More next week.

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