Wednesday, February 22, 2012

FCC approves licensing surveillance robots in 70 cm band

There is more info on the FCC web site. Here is the gist of the order. Thanks to ND5Y for posting this on

In this Order we grant, subject to certain limitations outlined below, applications for authorization filed by the public safety agencies listed in the attached Appendix to deploy and operate the surveillance robot known as the “Recon Scout” for public safety purposes.1 The Recon Scout is a remote-controlled, maneuverable surveillance robot manufactured by ReconRobotics, Inc. (ReconRobotics), which transmits real-time video surveillance data.2 In granting the applications, we deny the Petition to Deny Applications filed against each of the subject applications by the ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio (ARRL), the series of pleadings entitled Petition to Deny Applications/Conditional Authority and First Amended Petition to Deny, which Mr. James Edwin Whedbee (Whedbee) filed against these applications, as well as all associated challenges filed in related pleadings against these applications.3

QRZ Ham Member
Amateur Radio Newsline has a website located at More ham radio info here.

Hams are invited to take part in the South Africa Radio League-sponsored Leap Year Challenge on Wednesday February 29th. The challenge starts at 00:01 and ends at 23:59 South Africa Time. Modes acceptable include phone, CW and digital activity on all bands including HF, VHF, UHF and microwaves.

The objective is simply to make as many contacts as you can on this day. The rules permit you to work a station once only regardless of band, mode or call sign.

Logs go by e-mail to zs4bfn (at) netactive (dot) co (dot) za and must be received by midnight Friday March 2nd, 2012. A South Africa Radio League membership is up for grabs for the log received with the most QSO’s made.

Also this reminder: If you do not take part, you will have to wait until 2016 to put the date February 29th into your logbook! (SARL)

In DX, Albania will be on the air during the 2012 CQ WPX SSB Contest. This with word that TA1HZ will operate from that nation as ZA1TC for the period of March 23rd to the 26th that includes the contest weekend. During his spare time outside the contest he will try to work some PSK31, especially on 30m band. Details and QSL info is on

Lastly, HA5PP will be active from Malta as 9H3PP on May 26th and 27th during the CQ WW WPX CW Contest as a Single-Operator Single-Band entry. Activity outside of the contest will be on 6 and 12 meters, and possibly s 17 meters as well. QSL via HA5PP.

(Above from various DX news sources)

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