Wednesday, February 22, 2012

FCC approves licensing surveillance robots in 70 cm band

There is more info on the FCC web site. Here is the gist of the order. Thanks to ND5Y for posting this on

In this Order we grant, subject to certain limitations outlined below, applications for authorization filed by the public safety agencies listed in the attached Appendix to deploy and operate the surveillance robot known as the “Recon Scout” for public safety purposes.1 The Recon Scout is a remote-controlled, maneuverable surveillance robot manufactured by ReconRobotics, Inc. (ReconRobotics), which transmits real-time video surveillance data.2 In granting the applications, we deny the Petition to Deny Applications filed against each of the subject applications by the ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio (ARRL), the series of pleadings entitled Petition to Deny Applications/Conditional Authority and First Amended Petition to Deny, which Mr. James Edwin Whedbee (Whedbee) filed against these applications, as well as all associated challenges filed in related pleadings against these applications.3

QRZ Ham Member
Amateur Radio Newsline has a website located at More ham radio info here.

Hams are invited to take part in the South Africa Radio League-sponsored Leap Year Challenge on Wednesday February 29th. The challenge starts at 00:01 and ends at 23:59 South Africa Time. Modes acceptable include phone, CW and digital activity on all bands including HF, VHF, UHF and microwaves.

The objective is simply to make as many contacts as you can on this day. The rules permit you to work a station once only regardless of band, mode or call sign.

Logs go by e-mail to zs4bfn (at) netactive (dot) co (dot) za and must be received by midnight Friday March 2nd, 2012. A South Africa Radio League membership is up for grabs for the log received with the most QSO’s made.

Also this reminder: If you do not take part, you will have to wait until 2016 to put the date February 29th into your logbook! (SARL)

In DX, Albania will be on the air during the 2012 CQ WPX SSB Contest. This with word that TA1HZ will operate from that nation as ZA1TC for the period of March 23rd to the 26th that includes the contest weekend. During his spare time outside the contest he will try to work some PSK31, especially on 30m band. Details and QSL info is on

Lastly, HA5PP will be active from Malta as 9H3PP on May 26th and 27th during the CQ WW WPX CW Contest as a Single-Operator Single-Band entry. Activity outside of the contest will be on 6 and 12 meters, and possibly s 17 meters as well. QSL via HA5PP.

(Above from various DX news sources)

Emergency Freqs and Records Safety

There are some emergency frequencies that have been agreed on internationally. It would be wise to program these into your HT radios and mobile VHF/UHF rigs. Check the manual for your radio. Some of them cover at least a portion of the HF bands. You will not usually hear anything of the HF bands on your HT/Mobile unless ONE of the following two conditions are met.

1. One of the HF stations is close by.
2. You have an outside antenna that you can connect to your radio.

I know that the second one works because I have noticed several HT/Mobile reviews where the radio tuned HF when connected to an outside antenna. It does not even have to be an HF antenna, just a long wire will work fine and you will get some stations using your outdoor HT/Mobile antenna.

If your radio can tune the HF bands, the following are some frequencies you might want to program into your radios.

14.265 - SATERN (Weather disasters)
14.300 - Maritime Mobile Service Net (This is one of three global "Center Of Activity" disaster frequencies set aside by the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).

Others include:
7.045 and 3.720 Mhz (IARU Rgion 2 nets).
14.265 and 7.265 and 3.977 Mhz (SATERN Nets)

The International Radio Emergency Support Coalition (IRESC) is also active on EchoLink node 27817.

The idea here is not to communicate on the HF frequencies, you must have an HF radio and antenna to do that. The goal is to be able to monitor HF traffic for a wider perspective on the scope of the disaster and to learn about needs and resources in a wider area.

14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHZ are the three global Center of Activity (CoA) frequencies.

Of course, IRLP will be going strong in almost any disaster.
Now, how to keep your records intact in an emergency and how to avoid identity theft. Unless your state requires it, do not sign the back of your credit cards. Instead put "Photo ID Required" in the signature block. If your state rerquires them to be signed, then sign then and write "Photo ID Required" above your signature.

When you are writing checks to pay on your credit card accounts, DO NOT put the complete account number on the "FOR" line. Just put the first 4 and last 4 digits. If your credit card account includes a member number, use that instead.

Put your work phone number on your checks instead of your home phone. Same for the address info. Best of all is a PO Box. NEVER have your SS# printed on your checks.

Place the contents of your wallet/purse on a photocopy machine and scan both sides. Now if there is a problem, you have the account numbers and the 800 numbers to call to report a theft of your card.

If your cards are stolen, file a police report. This proves to credit providers that you were diligent. Place a fraud alert on your cards and also file a fraud alert with the SS Administration.

Notify the 3 credit card agencies of the problem.

Equifax 1-800-525-6285
Experian 1-888-397-3742
Trans Union 1-800-680-7289

Social Security Fraud Line = 1-800-269-0271

That's all for today.


Tuesday, February 07, 2012

10 Best Home Remedies

#1 - Ten Best Home Remedies
#2 - for accessories
#3 - Cheap simple portable antenna mast
#4 - Repurposing

Here are some great tips from the UK Telegraph on The Ten Best Homemade Remedies. I am not endorsing these, I am only passing them on. Each ends with a reminder to check with your healthcare professional before mixing some of these with prescription drugs.


#1 Chicken soup

To treat: Common cold

Served up for centuries to children feeling under the weather, chicken soup is a common remedy frequently called upon in the cold season. Not only does it a provide a warm, nourishing meal, some claim to have scientific proof that the soup can help reduce the activity of white blood cells, responsible for causing the respiratory symptoms of the common cold.

Disclaimer: always consult your doctor for advice before taking medicinal homemade remedies.
#2 Clove oil (CAUTION)

To treat: Toothache

Clove oil is a brilliant source of eugenol, a natural pain killer and antibacterial and is a popular toothache cure in folk medicine. Usually it is administered by mixing a few drops with 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil, applying cotton wool soaked in the mixture to the painful area. However individuals using clove oil should note the risks involved. Undiluted clove oil in contact with the mouth can cause burning, tissue or nerve damage and pain, with large doses potentially leading to vomiting, sore throat, seizure, difficulty breathing, kidney failure, or liver damage. Clove oil should not be applied to broken skin.

Disclaimer: always consult your doctor for advice before taking medicinal homemade remedies.
#3 Bicarbonate of soda

To treat: Upset stomach

Commonly known as baking soda, bicarbonate of soda is the main ingredient in most over the counter antacids such as Pepto-Bismol. It works via a chemical reaction with excess stomach acid, resulting in a more neutral pH in your stomach. Dissolving a teaspoon in a cup of water, provides an easy and cheap way of dealing with upset stomachs, although it does taste a little salty.

Disclaimer: always consult your doctor for advice before taking medicinal homemade remedies.
#4 Whole fat milk

To treat: Cold sores

Cold sores are caused by the Herpes simplex virus and therefore cannot be cured, however there are plenty of ingenious ways to speed up the recovery time of the unnattractive blistering. A popular and simple remedy is whole fat milk which contains Monocaprin. The presence of the Monocaprin reduces the virus' activity and the milk promotes healing in the affected areas.

Disclaimer: always consult your doctor for advice before taking medicinal homemade remedies.
#5 Honey

To treat: Sore throats

Honey must surely be the best tasting 'medicine' of all. Consumed by itself or as an ingredient in an Ayurvedic style lemon and ginger tea, honey has been proved in a scientific study to be just as effective as some branded cough syrups.

Disclaimer: always consult your doctor for advice before taking medicinal homemade remedies.
#6 Vinegar

To treat: Sun burn

While the only way to avoid the dangers and pain of sun burn is to cover up and wear plenty of sun cream, there are a few ways to cool the skin from the irritating effects of prolonged sun exposure. Suprisingly, applying vinegar, either pure or in solution, to the skin via a spray bottle can help relieve the burning sensation. Covering the area overnight with a tea towel will also help to continue the cooling effect, although the distinctly vinegary smell can become unpleasant.

Disclaimer: always consult your doctor for advice before taking medicinal homemade remedies.
#7 Duct tape

To treat: Warts

Another everyday item with scientific backing to prove its healing power is duct tape, which can be used to remove warts. Although usually taking about 28 days to heal the wart, the duct tape method completely resolved the warts in 85% of the cases as opposed to 60% of those using the cryotherapy method, in the study linked.

Disclaimer: always consult your doctor for advice before taking medicinal homemade remedies.


#8 Nail polish

To treat: Insect bites

Used to form a protective layer over the bitten area, clear nail polish is said to prevent irritation, allowing the body to heal the wound unhindered by the compulsion to itch.

Disclaimer: always consult your doctor for advice before taking medicinal homemade remedies.

#9 Talcum powder

To treat: Greasy hair

In the husle and busle of modern life sometimes there just isn't time to shower. Whilst perfume and deodrant can mask the unshowered smell, talcum powder can be used to disguise greasy hair. Simply running about a teaspoon of powder through your hair with a comb or hands will leave it looking much less oily and unwieldy.

Disclaimer: always consult your doctor for advice before taking medicinal homemade remedies.

#10 Olive oil

To treat: Earache

Warm olive oil is a remedy used by many parents of small children to combat the discomfort of earaches. It is believed that the warm oil soothes the inflammed eardrum, relieving the pain associated with earaches, caused by mucus blocking the a tube used to equalise air pressure on either side of the eardrum.

Disclaimer: always consult your doctor for advice before taking medicinal homemade remedies.


These are available at stores like Home Depot and Lowes, etc. They are cheaper than any Ham Radio antenna mast and since they collapse, they are very convenient and much easier to transport than standard Ham Radio masts.

In an emergency, "making do" with whatever is at hand may mean the difference between success and failure. This often means using something in a way not originally intended.

Some examples:

NITE IZE CABLE WRAPS (A plastic coated bendable wire.) [CyberGuys]
PLASTI-DIP AND STRONG WIRE (Make your own cable wraps) [Harbor Freight]
EDGE OF TABLE CABLE KEEPERS - Keeps your cables from falling off the table when they are disconected. []
Empty plastic water bottle - you can boil water in one of these. (The water keeps the plastic cool enough to prevent the bottle from melting over an open flame. This will NOT work on a stove. It has only been tested using a campfire.)

That's it for this week. 73's de N7OZH