Thanks to Scott, W7OXZ, for the following info:
Some thoughts on the outcome of the Joplin Tornado and Amateur Radio, having read reports form local newspapers, ham radio blogs and the ARRL newsletter
1) Amateur Radio played a useful role in helping with communications in coordination the evacuation of hospital patients from Joplin to hospitals in Springfield and Arkansas. Amateur Radio also was used by the Red Cross in shelter communications. These efforts are winding down and maybe terminated by now as more normal communications have been reestablished which has happened very quickly.
2) More importantly and I had never contemplated this, Many Amateurs were ready and able to help but did not self deploy into the area. If in our zeal to help we rush into a disaster but are not needed we only make matters worse for the incident command.
3) It is ironic that Congressman Billy Long, who is an out spoken opponent of attempts to develop tornado worming systems and a cosponsor for HR07 ,is from Joplin. The blogs have been having fun with him!!!
Aside from that there is an ARRL sponsored Webinar on DStar this evening.
Periodically, the ARRL’s Atlantic Division hosts a “webinar” -- an interactive Web-based seminar, designed to facilitate communication between a small number of presenters and a large remote audience using the Internet. Atlantic Division Director Bill Edgar, N3LLR, and the National Capital Region D-STAR Association will present a two-part webinar discussion on D-STAR technology and its application to emergency communications. Anyone can register for these informative, interactive Internet meetings; you do not need to reside in the Atlantic Division to join in.
Part 1 will be presented on Wednesday, May 25 at 9 PM (EDT). This 90 minute webinar -- entitled D-STAR Basics -- will provide a general introduction to the topic of D-STAR and compares the technology to existing Amateur Radio systems. Examples of D-STAR innovation will also be presented. Click here to sign up for Part 1.
On Wednesday, June 8 at 9 PM (EDT), join in for Part 2 -- D-STAR and EmComm. This 90 minute webinar will provide a discussion on how D-STAR technology can benefit Amateur Radio EmComm scenarios. Examples of D-STAR applications to EMCOMM will also be presented, as well as future growth ideas. Click here to sign up for Part 2.
There is also some interesting info about hams and the storms on the QRZ website located here.
That's it for now.
73 de N7OZH
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