Wednesday, December 08, 2010

MARA 10/08/2010 - APRS, Packet, W2ENY, CAT mode cables.

In SLC, the following frequencies are used for APRS (144.39) and Packet (145.05). Both modes should see high usage during any actual emergency and during most SET drills.

W2ENY has some interesting ham radio items on eBay. Just search on his call sign.

Another ham makes some amazing digital mode cables and they are less expensive than most other methods of getting into digital radio. You can find his stuff on eBay HERE. If that is not "clickable" in your browser, here is the actual address:

He is in England, so there is a $9.99 shipping charge, but his stuff is well worth it. I have ordered one of his cables and will be reporting on it here by the end of the year.


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