Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Emergency Preparedness Links

Two new links to some really handy Emergency Preparedness Documents.

The first link is will allow you to download a ZIP file containing a number of Microsoft Word documents (in DOC format) having to do with personal and family emergency preparedness. The link is here.

Emergency Preparedness Personal Documents

The second set of links deal with Amateur Radio Emergency Communications. These documents were presented at the National RACES Convention in Salt Lake City. These are PDF documents that you can print out and use. There is also an excellent discussion on traffic handling. One of the documents will introduce you to a Google Application that can be used to build forms for Net Checkins or Emergency Information Forms. You can even have net members check in on Google Notes while others check in via the repeater. Pretty Slick. The link is here.

RACES Forms and Training

Both of these links will allow you to download a ZIP file that contains the actual documents. Feel free to share the links with friends and family members and to print out the Emergency Preparedness Personal Documents for those family members who may not have internet access.

Next week, the two handiest computer utilities I have. Not Ham Radio related, but essential for anyone who has and uses a computer.

Here are those links in text form so you can copy them and share them with others. - Family Forms - RACES Forms


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