The following IRLP nodes are listed for Salt Lake City.
433.600 with 100.00 Hz Tone
448.400 with 88.500 Hz Tone
449.250 with 100.00 Hz Tone <== Very popular!
449.550 with 131.80 Hz Tone
449.750 with 100.00 Hz Tone
Some cities only have one node. We are lucky to have so many.
If you haven't tried IRLP, program in one of the above frequencies (I use 449.250) and the correct PL tone, then just wait for a time when the repeater is not busy, key up and say your call sign and the word "Listening". That's it!
You could get a reply from Australia, Japan, China, South America, or wherever. Keep a record of your contacts by call sign, time and location. One of these days you will find that you have worked all continents with nothing more than an HT radio and five watts! That's amazing. That sort of thing used to require a big antenna on the roof and a minimum of 100 watts of SSB HF power. PLUS good luck with the sunspot cycles and the weather. Oh, one more thing, you would have to do most of your contacts just before sunrise, just after sunset or at midnight.
By the way, log your calls using GMT or Zulu time. All ham radio contacts are logged in GMT by every ham all over the world. That way you do not have to convert from your time zone to some weird place somewhere on another continent. You only have to convert GMT to your local time zone.
Salt Lake City is always either 6 or 7 hours earlier than GMT, depending on daylight savings time. We are currently -7 hours from GMT. Therefore 2:25 PM in Salt Lake City is 9:25 PM GMT. Of course, in April we will switch to GMT -6 hours.
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