Wednesday, November 13, 2013

MARA 11-13-2013 - Winter Emergency Preparedness

Be sure to check out the Foothill Net Blog (Link on the right side of this page) for info on the November 23rd SAFE community meeting in the new Public Service Building.

Some tips and thoughts for winter preparedness.

All of these sites have a few things in common, but each also has its own unique tips.  By looking at several different sites and lists you can better decide what is right for you.

Car kits for use around town or to a nearby city do not have to be as exotic as a car kit for a long trip on poorly traveled roads.

Mistakes in Storage May Alter Medication

Winter Weather Car and Emergency Checklist

How to Make a Winter Survival Kit

Kit Storage Locations

Winter Driving - Emergency Car Kit

Roadside emergency kit: What to carry with you
A few basic items can help you get back on the road quicker

Other tips will be discussed on the net tonight.  

On the net, KF7SIJ pointed out that many cars brought to wrecker yards by tow truck have the seatbelts cut.  Sometimes they "lock" in an accident.  K7PB pointed out that if you are leaning against the seat belt (especially in situations where the car is not upright) you will not be able to release the seat belt due to the pressure.  K7PB also pointed out that if the seat belt is locked, you probably can not reach the glove box to get your seat belt cutter.  Best place for it is in the center console.

Two other things.  N7OVT will not be running testing sessions in December and there will be no MARA VHF net on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

Races Net Schedule

There are state wide RACES nets on both HF and VHF/UHF.  The following are the details of each net.

HF Net
Date: 3rd Saturday of odd numbered months
Time: 8:00 am
Frequency: 3920 kHz

Date: 3rd Thursday of even numbered months
Time: 8:00 pm

Frequency: Intermountain Intertie and other linked repeaters

Here is a list of FRS/GMRS channels and frequencies and some info on the new Midland radio "Extra Channels".  Remember, all these can be programmed into your HT and mobile rigs for monitoring in an emergency.  Our radios will not transmit on these frequencies but they will listen on these frequencies.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

ERC 11-12-2013

Did you pick up some Cyalume Light Sticks during the Halloween season?  If not, you can probably find some at the dollar stores for cheap.  
Some interesting info regarding Ham Radio and Emergency Preparedness.

Ham radio operators crucial for emergency preparedness

Amateur Radio in Draper

Santa Cruz Emergency Preparedness

Ham radio operators help hospitals in emergencies

Ham Radio and Disaster Preparedness
Via N7OVT - SKYWARN - 6 & 7 DEC - HF/VHF/UHF/PSK31/ECHO LINK ETC 5PM FRI TO 5PM SAT  2200 West North Temple  -  Go Under Overpass and Turn Left.  Here is your chance to see a lot of the digital modes in operation and even to work some of them.  You can also increase your knowledge of SkyWarn.  SkyWarn will be crucial to Emergency Preparedness in the event of a widespread disaster.

The utility is obvious in a weather related disaster, but also is important in "normal" disasters.
Two interesting articles related to emergency preparedness.

Cold Weather Clothing

It is important to use cold weather clothing properly, maintain adequate hydration and ensure nutritional requirements to ward off cold weather injuries. When wearing clothing in cold weather, remember the acronym C-O-L-D.

C: Keep it Clean; O: Avoid Overheating; L: Wear clothing Loose and in Layers; D: Keep clothing Dry

Cold Weather Injuries

Cold weather-related injuries include: injuries due to decreased temperature (hypothermia, frostbite, nonfreezing cold injury), injuries due to heaters, carbon monoxide poisoning, and accidents due to impaired physical and/or mental function resulting from cold stress. Cold weather injuries can also occur in warmer ambient temperatures when an individual is wet due to rain or water immersion.

For additional info, check out the two following web sites.
Cold weather is here and this is a good time to put the candle back into your car emergency kit.  Every vehicle should have a candle and a blanket in it.  These two simple items can mean the different between life and death if you are ever stranded in a vehicle in freezing weather.

Some creams and ointments will seperate in very cold or very hot weather.  Also be aware that it is illegal to transport some drugs across state lines without a prescription.  Keeping them in the original bottle will usually solve that problem.
Google "RMS EXPRESS" for info on another digital mode for use in emergency communications.  The Digital modes are becoming a very valuable means of communication in emergency situations.
73's until next time N7OZH