Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Packet Radio

The need to get back into Packet radio has been made obvious by SET drills held in the past year. Here are some useful links.

By the way, most 2 Meter packet in Utah is on 145.05 simplex.

Complete Guide to Using and Building Packet Radio Networks

Talking to lots of hams, I can say that hands down the NUMBER ONE TNC on the market is the SIGNALINK USB TNC. It is on sale through the end of 2010 and it just works. There are units that cost more and units that cost less, but there are NONE better! The link is here.

The most amazing device I have seen for this is from BuxComm and the link is here.
UPDATE 12/01/2010 - N7OVT bought one of these units and says the construction is shoddy and the unit is not worth the asking price.

For a huge software list, visit this page and click on the PACKET link

Here's another huge listing of Packet programs"

Packet software by SV2AGW

Want to do everything with your existing sound card? Sound Card Packet

Everything about Digital Radio Modes

Finally, Email over Ham Radio - WINMOR

Of course there is also Ham Radio Deluxe and DM780. Both are shareware and are top of the line programs.

There will also be lots of digital HF traffic in an actual emergency so you should also look into downloading some PSK31 software and becoming familiar with its operation. The digital modes are fun and get through when nothing else will. try it, you will like it!